Maps, Weather, General Info., Etc.

Current/Future weather information -
southern Nevada (the Weather Channel)

Current/Past weather information -
Amargosa Valley (DRI weather statistics)

Somewhere there is a stash of gold in them thar hills. As soon as we find the
Lost Breyfogle we'll put it on our map.  And then we'll post the map.

But, to see a map WITHOUT all those crummy gold mines,
all you need is Acrobat Reader (any version AFTER 3.0)


Click here to see a map of the Amargosa Valley region

Click here to see the latest, greatest, up-to-datest map of Amargosa!

North American deserts  Desert U.S.A. Magazine's primer on the deserts of North America
Desert USA  Monthly "ezine".  A  good source of information about the deserts of the Southwest

Selected Plants for Pahrump, Beatty, Amargosa,
Sandy Valley and other Middle Elevation areas

Geology tour of Southern Nevada/Death Valley

Organic Farming in Nevada
Agriculture in Amargosa Valley

This "Web Page" was created by Michael and Michelle DeLee, The Poodles, and Amargosa Andy

Amargosa Business Services, Amargosa Valley, Nevada USA
You may reach us via email at or telephone (775) 372-1034
last updated 11/02/07.